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Effect of Gypsum Content on Sulfoaluminate Mortars Stability

The effect of gypsum content in CSA [8] [9] [10]and CAC [11] has already been reported, showing that the expansion increases with the gypsum content. Expansion is generally attributed to the ...

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Effects of various gypsum on early-age hydration behavior …

Gypsum modification is an effective strategy to improve the water resistance of magnesium oxychloride cement paste (MOCP), but its early-ages performance evolution has not received much attention. The exothermic characteristics and hydration kinetic parameters of MOCP with different contents and types of gypsum are investigated. The …

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Effect of gypsum content in cement on its adaptability to …

The setting times and early strength of shotcrete are greatly affected by the gypsum content of the cement used. In this work, the setting times, compressive strength and microscopic analysis (X-ray diffraction quantitative analysis, thermogravimetric …

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(PDF) The effect of aggregates with high gypsum content …

As seen in Fig. 3b, increasing the gypsum content had a positive impact on the compressive strength of steam-cured UHSCs at all ages. The mix with the highest gypsum content, 11.55%, showed the highest compressive strength of 142.3 MPa at 28 days, beyond which the best strength was recorded for the mix with 7.61% gypsum.

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Effect of gypsum and cement content on unconfined compressive strength

The results of the study show that the inclusion of gypsum in mixtures of Portland cement and soft sediment can significantly enhance the strength gain of stabilized sediment. The optimum mixture was identified as 1.4% gypsum and 6.6% Portland cement (of the total mass of sediment).

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Effect of Gypsum-Hemihydrate Ratio in Cement on …

For the most reactive type of cement with a high content of both C3A and alkalies, a reduced gypsum-hemihydrate ratio from 80/20 to 20/80 reduced the yield stress, while the plastic viscosity was not much affected. ... For a less reactive type of cement, the effect of the gypsum-hemihydrate ratio was not so pronounced, but for the lowest ratio ...

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Effect of Desulfurization Ash with Different Gypsum …

Effect of Desulfurization Ash with Different Gypsum Content on Rheology Characteristic, Hydration Structure and Rebar Protection of Cement Based Materials Xiaodong Wen1,*, Yong Yi1, Guosong Li1 and Zhinan Gao2 1Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo Key Laboratory of Concrete structure Durability, 315016, China

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Effect of gypsum on the hydration of fused cement clinker …

a b s t r a c t Presented within is a critical overview of the effect of sulfates on cement hydration, properties, and optimum sulfate content in Portland cement.

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Optimization of mechanical performance of limestone …

Limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) – consisting of Portland cement (OPC) clinker, calcined clay, limestone powder and gypsum – has been considered a promising solution to current challenges ...

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Effect of Internal Curing on Resistance of High Performance Concrete …

The effects of gypsum content of cement on several engineering properties of concrete cured by accelerated and normal methods were investigated. It is shown that increased gypsum content results ...

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The effect of aggregates with high gypsum content on the …

There is an increasing demand to ultra-high strength cement-based materials in the Middle East despite finding fine aggregates with a normal SO 3 level is a major challenge. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of increasing gypsum content of natural river sand on the properties of water and steam cured ultra-high …

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Effect of Gypsum Content on the Compressive Strength …

CL—Clinker content, AR—calcined clay content, GP—gypsum content, FA—limestone content Table 5 Dosage of superplasticizer additive and scattering obtained Mortar Spreading (mm) Superplasticizer (%) REF3 211.20 – REF5 210.80 – REF7 210.50 – AC345A 209.90 0.75 AC545A 210.60 0.73 AC745A 211.50 0.70 2.1 Methods

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Effects of compressive strength and young modulus of gypsum …

To reduce the negative effect of gypsum and ceramic waste on the environment, gypsum and ceramic waste (GCW) have been used as an alternative natural source for partial fine aggregate replacement on autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). The AAC with different composition of GCW (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% wt) has …

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Study on the effect of gypsum content in cement on the …

The setting time and early strength of shotcrete is greatly affected by the gypsum content of cement. In this paper, setting time and compressive strength, and microscopic methods such as XRD quantitative analysis, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscope observation were used to determine the effects of …

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The effect of water and gypsum content on strätlingite …

The main objective of this study was to investigate the phase and strength development of calcium sulfoaluminate-belite (CSAB) cement pastes with different amounts of gypsum and water. Thermodynamic modeling and a series of experiments including X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis, isothermal calorimetry, and …

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Effects of Gypsum on Cementitious Systems with Different …

Gypsum is an indispensable component of ordinary Portland cement. The main function of gypsum is to regulate the setting time of cement. Gypsum has a great influence on water consumption of standard consistence and strength simultaneously. In this article three cementitious systems are prepared by three main mixed materials: …

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Optimization of the SO3 content of an Algerian Portland cement…

Portland cement CEM I is obtained from (95–97%) of clinker and (3–5%) of gypsum, according to EN 197-1 (2011) standard. Sulfur xide SO 3 is the main component of gypsum (Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O), it may also originate from clinker, the previous standard has limited its content in cement at 4%. It is known …

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Optimization of the SO3 content of an Algerian Portland cement…

Portland cement CEM I is obtained from (95–97%) of clinker and (3–5%) of gypsum, according to EN 197-1 (2011) standard. Sulfur xide SO3 is the main component of gypsum (Calcium Sulfate ...

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The influence of variable gypsum and water content on the …

The influence of variable gypsum and water content on the strength and hydration of a belite-calcium sulphoaluminate cement. Hoda Beltagui School of …

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Role of Gypsum in Cement and its Effects – …

Effects of Gypsum on Cement. Gypsum prevents Flash Setting of cement during manufacturing. It retards the setting time of cement. …

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Effect of gypsum content on the compressive strength of LC3 cement

This research intends to investigate the influence of the gypsum content on the compressive strength of a LC3 cement at 1, 3, 7, 28 and 91 days, considering that the effects of the gypsite content on the mechanical resistance of the LC3 cement are little understood. For the accomplishment of this study six mortars were produced.

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The effect of water and gypsum content on …

Request PDF | The effect of water and gypsum content on strätlingite formation in calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement pastes | The main objective of this study was to investigate the phase and ...

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Study on the effect of gypsum content in cement on the …

The results showed that an increase in the gypsum content of cement promoted the formation of ettringite (AFt) and decreased the setting times of cement …

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(PDF) Effect of Gypsum Amount in Cement on …

Gypsum plays a crucial role in cement. Though it is used in a small quantity, in the range of 2.5-3.0 percent in terms of SO3, gypsum's role in cement is significant, more predominantly at early ages.

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Effect of phosphorus impurities on sulfoaluminate cement …

The preparation of gypsum-based self-leveling mortar (GSLM) from solid waste-derived sulfoaluminate cement-modified hemihydrate gypsum is an effective path to enhance its mechanical properties. However, the phosphorus impurities in phosphogypsum (PG) still pose a challenge to the hemihydrate gypsum & sulfoaluminate cement …

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New insights into the effect of gypsum on hydration and …

However, few researches focused on relating those modifications of gypsum on C 3 S hydration with the regulatory effect of gypsum on cement setting. ... The G′ …

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Effect of Gypsum Content on the Compressive Strength of LC3 Cement

LC3 cement is a type of cement that uses high additions contents, counting on the synergistic reaction between calcined clay and limestone to obtain mechanical strengths similar to those of traditional cements. This research intends to investigate the influence of the gypsum content on the compressive strength of a LC3 cement.

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The effect of water and gypsum content on strätlingite …

DOI: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2018.01.153 Corpus ID: 139406839; The effect of water and gypsum content on strätlingite formation in calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement pastes @article{Jeong2018TheEO, title={The effect of water and gypsum content on str{"a}tlingite formation in calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement pastes}, …

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Effect of Gypsum Content and other Factors on Shrinkage of Concrete …

The effects of gypsum content of cement and other factors on shrinkage and cracking tendency of concretes are investigated by methods described in a previous paper. An essential feature of the method is that prisms of the concretes are permitted to dry from only one side. It is found that there is in general an optimum gypsum content for each ...

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Effect of gypsum content in sprayed cementitious matrices: Early age

The mix was pumped by the helical pump UP-Pictor (item #1, Fig. 3 a), connected to the 3 HP-air compressor (item #2, Fig. 3 a) and transported through the hose up to a spray gun. This type of pump is adequate for fluids like cement pastes and mortars in contrast with piston pumps that are indicated to handle fluids with coarser particles …

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